"Thousands of Engineers Enter the Classroom" initiative launched in Serbia


Recently, the teachers and students of Srednja škola "Dragačevo" Guča in Serbia experienced a unique classroom exchange when engineers from the E763 Highway project in Serbia, constructed by CCCC, visited their school as part of the "Thousands of Engineers Enter the Classroom" initiative. The event allowed the students and teachers to deeply appreciate the charm and vitality of China.

During the event, the engineers showcased China's impressive construction capabilities, spanning mountains and seas. They introduced the students to China's beautiful landscapes, offered authentic Chinese cuisine, and shared traditional festival customs. This activity deepened the Serbian people's understanding of Chinese culture and strengthened the friendship between China and Serbia. This event provided valuable practical experience and an international perspective for the students, while also increasing CCCC's global influence. It promoted exchange and cooperation in global engineering education.

The E763 Highway is the fastest route that connects Serbia to the Montenegrin coast. Upon completion, it will serve as a lifeline for road transport in Serbia, injecting new energy into the country's development. 

Editor: Second Harbor Engineering