Groundbreaking ceremonies for Brunei's expansion project of Muara Port's container terminal and Chile's Rucalhue Hydropower Plant held


Wang Haihuai emphasized that CCCC will leverage its expertise in management, technology, and talent to drive the progress of Brunei's expansion project of Muara Port's container terminal.

Recently, construction commenced on two significant infrastructure projects: Brunei's expansion project of Muara Port's container terminal and Chile's Rucalhue Hydropower Plant.
Brunei's expansion project of Muara Port's container terminal
Wang Haihuai, General Manager of CCCC, attended and delivered a speech at the groundbreaking ceremony held in Bandar Seri Begawan. 
Wang highlighted CCCC's involvement in key projects in Brunei, including the construction of the country's first cross-sea mega-bridge, the Pulau Muara Besar Bridge. He emphasized that CCCC will leverage its expertise in management, technology, and talent to drive the progress of the project, aiming to transform the port into a regional shipping center and transshipment hub.
Muara Port is Brunei's only international deep-water port and the country's primary gateway for international trade. The expansion project includes the construction of new container and service terminals, storage yards, supporting infrastructure, mechanical and electrical works, enhancement of ancillary facilities, dredging of the port basin, and the procurement and installation of port handling equipment.
Chile's Rucalhue Hydropower Plant
Chile's Rucalhue Hydropower Plant is situated on the Biobío River in south-central Chile and is the fourth of six planned hydropower stations along this river. Upon completion, the project will significantly alleviate power shortages in surrounding cities, stimulate industrial and social development, and contribute to environmental protection efforts.

Editor: CHEC,First Highway Engineering