Belt and Road Initiative—Rwanda: A broad avenue to a better life


The road was opened to traffic in 2016, greatly facilitating travel for residents and tourists alike while also spurring economic growth in Rwanda.

"This road is fantastic—smooth, wide, fast and stable to drive on. It's incredibly comfortable," marveled Rwigamba, a resident of Rwanda's Western Province.
Amid the picturesque landscapes of lakes and mountains, a modern highway snakes its way forward.
This is the 66-kilometer road along Lake Kivu, built by CRBC, a subsidiary of CCCC. As one of the main north-south routes in Rwanda's western region, the road was opened to traffic in 2016, greatly facilitating travel for residents and tourists alike while also spurring economic growth in Rwanda.
The region around Lake Kivu is a key area for Rwanda's cash crops. Seventy percent of the country's coffee and nearly half of its tea are produced here. With the road in place, transporting coffee and tea has become much easier, significantly boosting economic returns.
"Thanks to the improved transport conditions, our coffee now reaches more markets. Our family income has increased, and we've built a new house. This truly is a broad avenue leading to a better life," said Emmanuel, a delighted coffee farmer.

Editor: CRBC,People Daily