World Oceans Day: CCCC protects the marine ecosystem


CCCC is committed to both constructing deep water ports and protecting the marine ecosystem, allowing the blue dreams to shine brightly.

Today is World Oceans Day, and CCCC has been deeply involved in the marine industry, constructing hundreds of deepwater ports overseas. While building dreams in the deep sea, CCCC also carefully protects the marine ecosystem, allowing the blue dreams to shine brightly.
At the Ghana Tema New Container Terminal Project, constructed by CCCC's subsidiary CHEC, we established a turtle breeding center, with expert guidance and dedicated patrols, we successfully hatched and released 17,087 turtles, making a positive contribution to maintaining ecological balance.
At the Ummahat 9-4 Island beach sand project, a part of the Red Sea Project in Saudi Arabia, constructed by CCCC's subsidiary CHEC, we meticulously protected nearly 100,000 square meters of mangroves, ensuring that the living conditions met growth requirements, demonstrating the harmony between humans and nature.
At the Port City Colombo project, constructed by CCCC's subsidiary CHEC, we have created an "ecological miracle", revitalizing damaged coral ecosystems. Now, the breakwater boasts a coral coverage of 24.36%, reaching up to 60% in some areas.
The Guoxin Marine Ranch Project, constructed by CCCC, formed an artificial fish reef. This not only provides an excellent environment for the breeding, growth, and habitation of marine life within the area but also offers exceptional farming and sheltering conditions for sea cucumbers and fish. It plays a significant role in restoring the coastal marine ecosystem's regulatory capacity in Qingdao.

Editor: CHEC