Key overseas projects by CCCC commence, attended by leaders of host countries


Several major overseas projects undertaken by CCCC have commenced, the event is attended by leaders of host countries.

Recently, several major overseas projects undertaken by CCCC have commenced, including the Abidjan Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Côte d'Ivoire, the Kisangani municipal road project in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and the railway bypass around Niš on the Serbia-Bulgaria border. Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, Ivorian Prime Minister Robert Beugré Mambé, and DRC's State Minister for Infrastructure and Public Works Alexis Gisaro Muvuni attended the respective groundbreaking ceremonies.
Railway bypass around Niš on the Serbia-Bulgaria border

Located in Serbia’s third-largest city, the railway bypass spans 19.9 kilometers and features both upgrades to existing tracks and new construction, with a design speed of 160 kilometers per hour. This project is a vital part of the Pan-European Corridor 10 and the China-Europe Land-Sea Express Line.
Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić highlighted that the construction of the project will significantly improve transportation efficiency in the Niš region, stimulate local economic development, and boost the overall economy of southern Serbia.
Abidjan Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Côte d'Ivoire
The project, which cuts through the city center, includes a second segment contracted to CCCC. This segment stretches 11.815 kilometers and features five bridges (totaling 1.254 kilometers), 13 stations, 12 pedestrian bridges, and a control center. Once completed, the project is expected to handle a daily passenger flow of 330,000 and reduce annual carbon emissions by 80,000 tons. It will alleviate traffic congestion in central Abidjan and hold significance for the healthy development of the city's public transportation system.
Ivorian Prime Minister Robert Beugré Mambé stated at the ceremony that this project, as Côte d'Ivoire's first BRT system, will not only beautify the urban landscape but also revolutionize residents' travel methods, greatly enhancing their quality of life.
Kisangani municipal road project in the DRC
The project includes the upgrade and reconstruction of three major roads in Kisangani, covering a total length of 5.7 kilometers. The construction will involve roadbed, reinforced concrete pavement, and drainage systems. The project aims to improve regional traffic conditions, enhance travel efficiency for residents, and stimulate local economic growth.
DRC's State Minister for Infrastructure and Public Works Alexis Gisaro Muvuni emphasized that the project, as a key component of the Kinshasa's urban renewal framework project, will enhance the area's transportation network, providing more convenient travel conditions for local residents and fostering economic development along the route. 

Editor: CRBC,First Highway Engineering