CCCC-led standard for water transport infrastructure approved by ISO


The IFC standard, as an open building information exchange standard of the buildingSMART International, aims to facilitate effective information exchange and collaboration among all stakeholders in the entire life cycle of construction projects.

Recently, the CCCC-led IFC4.3 standard for water transport infrastructure received approval from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). This standard will officially become the latest revised version of ISO 16739.
The IFC standard, as an open building information exchange standard of the buildingSMART International, aims to facilitate effective information exchange and collaboration among all stakeholders in the entire life cycle of construction projects.
To address data exchange and sharing requirements during the planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance stages for water transport infrastructure such as ports, breakwaters, and navigational structures, the water transport infrastructure IFC standard establishes unified data structures, coding, and exchange standards. It is validated through numerous projects.
Since joining buildingSMART International in 2018, CCCC has leveraged its advantages across the entire industry chain in projects related to rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans. In addition to leading the formulation of the standard, CCCC signed a memorandum of understanding with buildingSMART International in 2023 to establish an ocean engineering research team. The goal is to showcase the company's digital achievements in marine engineering, such as cross-sea channels and offshore wind power, through standard formulation and project validation, thereby enhancing its participation in international scientific and technological governance.

Editor: CCCC