Recently, a 69-cm-long swamp snake was discovered by the environmental management team of CHEC during the construction of the vehicle section of the First Metro Line of Bogota project (PLMB). Through 45 days of observations, the project biologists concluded that the snake did not make its home on the project site. With the approval of the local authorities, the snake was sent to abiological research center of the National University of Colombia.
According to experts, this type of swamp snake has not been found in Bogota for ten years, which is of great significance to the study of the complete morphology of this creature.Aftera six-month study, it will be released into the reserve.
While working to bring a modern transportation system to Bogota’s millions of people, the CCCC team is striving to protect this habitat for countless species in the best way possible.Since August 10, 2021, the project team has transplanted and treated 133 rare trees of all kinds as well as monitored, rescued, transferred and protected 118 different types of rare animals, involving various precious species including prairie rattlesnake, swamp snake, swamp Harrier and prairie frog. The city government has given full recognition to the professional knowledge and responsible attitude of the project team.
The project department will continue to take care of and protect all kinds of species living in the construction area, adhere to the concept of green development, and create an ecological metro where people and nature live in harmony.