Transformation in Angwan Mayo Village, Nigeria


This well was drilled by CHEC, a subsidiary of CCCC, as part of the Keffi-Makurdi Highway reconstruction and expansion project. 

In Angwan Mayo Village, Nasarawa State, Nigeria, residents joyfully cheered for the water in the first well in the village. This well was drilled by CHEC, a subsidiary of CCCC, as part of the Keffi-Makurdi Highway reconstruction and expansion project. As well water gushed from the pipes, the crowd erupted in cheers.
Angwan Mayo Village had long been plagued by water shortage. The nearest water source was over ten kilometers away, a journey that took nearly five hours round trip, and the water quality was poor. This well has completely solved the village's water shortage.
The Keffi-Makurdi Highway reconstruction and expansion project in Nigeria spans approximately 221 kilometers. Its primary construction objective is to upgrade the existing two-lane road to a four-lane, first-class highway. This highway serves as the sole route from Nigeria's capital, Abuja, to Nasarawa State in the east. Upon completion, it will significantly alleviate traffic pressure between these two areas and promote connectivity.
During the project's construction, over 2,000 job opportunities were created for local residents. Today, with the completion of the project, Angwan Mayo Village's transportation has been entirely transformed.
One villager, Amos, said that their lives have been changed by Chinese friends, and he would always remember them.

Editor: CHEC, Second Harbor Engineering