As one of China's earliest enterprises to explore overseas markets and conduct international operations, CCCC has actively participated in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), achieving a series of substantial and remarkable results. To comprehensively showcase these achievements, CCCC held the 10th Anniversary Event of CCCC's Joint Construction of the Belt and Road Initiative in December 2023. During the event, CCCC reviewed the ten-year development journey of the BRI, announced and commended CCCC's top 10 projects under the BRI, CCCC's top 10 excellent Chinese and international builders under the BRI, as well as CCCC's top 10 cases of CSR and brand building under the BRI.

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Collaborative Construction

A Decade of Dedication and Common Prosperity

In the spirit of "blending with the world and building without borders", CCCC, in collaboration with China Central Television (CCTV), produced a documentary titled " Collaborative Contribution". Through 50 projects in 30 countries, the documentary tells inspiring stories of Chinese builders crossing mountains and seas featuring extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits with the people of the countries along the BRI.

Top 10 Projects Under the BRI

Turning a Chasm into Thoroughfare with Obstacles Overcome

As a global leader in large-scale infrastructure integrated services, over the past decade of the Belt and Road Initiative, CCCC has constructed a series of high-quality projects in partner countries, contributing to their social and economic development. CCCC has announced ten key projects of the Belt and Road Initiative, including the Kenya-Mombasa Railway Project, the Maldives-China Friendship Bridge Project, and the Karakoram Highway Project in Pakistan, showcasing China's expertise in ports, roads, bridges, and equipment worldwide.
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Excellent Builders Under the BRI

Working Overseas and Building Dreams in Youth

With a commitment to "shouldering responsibility and benefiting the world", numerous builders from CCCC have devoted their efforts to the Belt and Road Initiative. Through their work in constructing roads and bridges, they've not only uplifted local communities but also revitalized the ancient Silk Road with the essence of craftsmanship and China's technology.
Drawing on their professional skills, CCCC's international builders have played a vital role in advancing the Belt and Road Initiative. As they dream big during construction, work tirelessly towards their goals, and wholeheartedly commit themselves to their tasks, they take pride in building their homeland and are honored to be contributors to the Belt and Road Initiative.
  • Top 10 Excellent Chinese Builders

  • Top 10 Excellent International Builders

  • Top 10 Cases of CSR and Brand Building Under the BRI

    Shouldering Responsibility and Sharing Better Life

    "Build Your Future Dream" is a social responsibility brand created by CCCC. Over the past decade of the Belt and Road Initiative, CCCC has actively carried out responsibility actions globally to protect the local environment, support education, care for women and children, nurture talents, support community development, promote cultural exchanges, and work hand in hand with partners to create a better world.
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    The Belt Blossoms, the Road Resounds

    The Road with Legacy and Brilliance

    Since the launch of the Belt and Road Initiative, workers from CCCC have energetically propelled its progress, transforming it from a broad concept into concrete actions and revitalizing the ancient Silk Road into a vibrant symbol of the modern era. The CCCC's theme song for the Belt and Road cooperation, "The Belt Blossoms, the Road Resounds", sung passionately by four young employees, resonates as a clarion call for the collective endeavor to advance the Belt and Road Initiative.

    CCCC has integrated the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles into every aspect of its production and operation, facilitating comprehensive and sustainable development of the company, society, and the environment across all sectors and stages. During the conference, CCCC released a total of 15 ESG reports, including those for the Belt and Road Initiative, as well as its affiliated publicly listed companies, branded enterprises, key countries, and flagship projects.