Growth & Friendship
Ren Jianwei & Pusavath

Ren Jianwei, an electrical engineer on the Nam Lik 1-2 Hydropower Station in Laos, formed a mentor-mentee relationship with Lao employee Pusavath in September 2012.
To expedite Pusavath's operational proficiency, Ren Jianwei tailored a work plan, providing on-site explanations, practical demonstrations, and hands-on guidance. Today, Pusavath has become an independent electrical engineer capable of handling various equipment malfunctions, growing into the deputy head of the electrical team.
Expressing gratitude for his mentor, Pusavath always says with appreciation, "Thanks to the Chinese mentor for training and helping me, imparting skills, and helping me realize my value."
Nam Lik 1-2 Hydropower Station