F3 bidding section of Georgian E60 expressway project sees crucial progress


Recently, crucial achievements in F3 bidding section of Georgian E60 expressway were made

Recently, crucial achievements in F3 bidding section of Georgian E60 expressway were made, marking that the project team sprints toward the opening-to-traffic day.
The 6# bridge
The 6# bridge successfully closed on, with two parts of the girder arrangedleft and right and processing total lengths of 122.15 meters and 131.55 meters. 
The 8# tunnel
The breakthrough of the 8#tunnel, the second longest one in the project, finished after the 1149.8-meter-long left part broke through.Besides, the 1167.5-meter-long right part broke through on January 21, 2022. Georgian E60 expressway connects the capital city Tbilisi and the port city Batumi, and it spans Georgia from east to west. As a vital line connecting main transportation ones in Europe and Asia, upon completion, it will significantlyease the traffic pressure along the way,largely shorten the passenger and cargo transport time among Tbilisi, Batumi, and Poti, add jobs, and be of great significance to Georgian regional development. The CCCC-built F3 bidding section is a key one with a total length of 13.05 kilometers, bidirectional four lanes, a design speed of 100 kilometers per hour, and whole-line bridge-and-tunnel ratio of 76.7%.

Editor: CRBC