CCCC's environmental protection story presented at UNCCD COP 15


The standard gauge railway project in Kenya is of great significance to promoting the interconnectivity and integration of East Africa and the economic and social development of Kenya and East Africa.

From December 7th to 19th, the second phase of the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP15) to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was held in Montreal, Canada. The promotional video for the protection of biodiversity of the standard gauge railway project in Kenya undertaken by CCCC's subsidiary CRBC was presented at the conference. The promotional video shows the vivid stories of protecting local wildlife and living in harmony with the natural environment during the design, construction and operation of the project.
The 592-kilometer-long standard gauge railway consists of the Mombasa–Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway and the Nariobi-Malaba Standard Gauge Railway. It is an important part of the East African railway network. Its completion and opening to traffic are of great significance to promoting the interconnectivity and integration of East Africa and the economic and social development of Kenya and East Africa.

Editor: CRBC